SU.icloudems: Elevating Education Through Cloud Technology

There are many institutions that provide their students with a range of tools that improve their grades. Cloud access to the program’s study materials is one of these universities’ benefits. Students may access study materials from anywhere with the help of the iCloud.It is helpful for those student who are not present in the institution. We shall discover more about Sharda University, sometimes referred to as SU, in this post today. We will also talk about SU.icloudems, including its advantages, features, login procedure, and password reset instructions.  

Known About SU.icloudems

The SU.icloudems service runs similarly to other online cloud services. Nonetheless, it offers additional resources so that instructors may monitor students’ work and help them raise their marks. The cloud storage gateway for Sharda University may be found at su icloudems. 

Each SU student receives their login ID and password for cloud storage after enrolling. Students may digitally save a range of study tools with the aid of this platform and never have to worry about losing them. It also lets students add more storage to their iCloud account whenever they need it.

Features of Su icloudems

Su icloudems Platform was developed with the intention of resolving the academic demands of students, including study materials, document uploading, fee payment, and so on. Some of the main aspects that you may experience are listed below:

  • Secure Cloud Storage: This platform provides quick and dependable cloud storage. Students can use this cloud space to store digital files and documents, projects, homework, and assignments. 
  • Study Materials: A library of study materials is also kept there. A student can access the study materials without physically being in the library with the aid of the study materials. 
  • High-End Tools: Teachers and students can access a variety of high-end tools on the platform. It is advantageous to work together on assignments and projects with instructors. 
  • Personalized Cloud Storage: Teachers and students can save personal cloud data on this platform. They may exchange their notes, projects, and assignments with their faculty members without having to communicate with anybody else thanks to this helpful tool.

Steps To Register at SU.icloudems

Students may easily access their accounts on SU icloudems because of its user-friendly layout. with the meanwhile, the steps listed below might assist you with registering on the portal:

  • Step 1: Launch your browser and look up Sharda University or SU.icloudems. 
  • Step 2: Visit the official website to see the sign option, which you must hit in order to register for the platform. 
  • Step 3: You may sign in using Gmail on the sign-in screen; simply touch on it to proceed. 
  • Step 4: Select the email address you wish to register with, then adhere to the remaining steps. 
  • Step 5: If you choose not to use this option, you must enter the necessary information in the registration form. Including name, email address, student IDs, etc. 
  • Step 6: After completing these procedures, you must choose your college and come up with a strong password.
  • Step 7: Then you need to complete the registration process by agreeing to the terms and conditions that will show on its page.

Process For SU.icloudems Login

SU.icloudems login

The SU.icloudems login procedure is simple to use. Students need to get their login credential from the administrator department before proceeding with the login method. The sequential procedure for logging:

  • Step 1: Launch the browser and navigate to the official login page.
  • Step 2: Input your login information, including your password and username.
  • Step 3: For security reasons, verify your identity using the OTP that was provided to your email address.
  • Step 4: After logging in, you will be on the dashboard.

The platform has a straightforward four-step login procedure. After finishing their assignment, the students were advised to sign out for security and privacy reasons. Additionally, it is advised that students not give out their login information to third parties.  

Process to Reset SU.icloudems Login Password

Forgetting the password for the platform is not a major concern. If the student gains unauthorized access, they must report it to the administration department. The following are the steps involved in changing the password:

  • Step 1: Navigate to to access the login page.
  • Step 2: Select the box labeled “Forget Password.”
  • Step 3: In the box that appears, mention your username or user ID.
  • Step 4: Fill out the captcha for safety reasons.
  • Step 5: Select the college and branch that best fits you.
  • Step 6: Click the “Submit” button.

Process To Submit Fees On Icloudems Su Portal

You may even submit various fees using icloudems su platform once you’ve finished using the other services on the portal. The following information will assist you in submitting the fee:

  • Once you enter your credentials into the portal, you will be able to access your profile page.
  • Navigate the dashboard and press the button labeled “fee.”
  • Upon clicking it, a number of options will appear, including those for total fees, academic fees, incidental costs, hostel fees, transportation expenses, and more.
  • In order to submit your fees, click the “anyone” button.
  • You can use all fees, though, if you are unfamiliar with any particular genre.
  • Your name, charge amount, and total balance will be shown.
  • To submit this fee, choose the “Pay Now” option.
  • There are several payment methods available to you, including card, UPI, net banking, etc.
  • Select the desired person and complete the payment.

Top Benefits of SU.icloudems

In addition to utilizing this portal, it offers excellent advantages. With its multiple innovations for students’ well-being, this simple platform has the following benefits:

  • Simple to store: Teachers and students may simply store notes, assignments, and projects with the aid of the platform. Additionally, it lessens the possibility that their schoolwork and notes may go lost.
  • Secured Data: It provides protection to the data stored on cloud servers. It keeps unwanted users from accessing cloud storage. Additionally, it shields academic staff members from stored materials and other important study-related papers.
  • Effective Communication: Very important feature of the portal is Communication is essential between instructors and students. Moreover, it provides a number of communication channels. It facilitates communication between instructors and students via a variety of channels, including texting, and video conferences.
  • Effective Administration: It provides tools and capabilities to effectively handle a variety of tasks. The ability to keep important notes and assignments together in one location without worrying about losing them benefits the students.


Many features and advantages are available to faculty and students through the SU.icloudems. The amount of paperwork at the office and other campus locations has decreased. Students are able to complete their assignments and projects more quickly and effectively with its assistance. Faculty may easily save student projects and assignments for a longer period of time without worrying about losing them as a result of this.

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