Unveiling Innovation: WhatsApp Chatbot Mastery

Have you ever considered what would happen if technologies like chatbots and WhatsApp combined? Artificial Intelligence (AI) in an era that always relies on technology makes work easier. Work can be completed quickly, and information can be searched more easily. Whatsapp chatbot is just one example of this rapid technological development.

Chatbots don’t magically integrate with the WhatsApp app. The sophistication of chatbots in detecting and answering questions with natural language processing (NLP), as well as the WhatsApp application, which is popularly used by many people from all over the world, is the basis for why the two are combined as a functional tool.

On the one hand, if we relate it to the business world, the use of WhatsApp chatbots can have more than one function. Starting from being a marketing tool and customer support to offering customers the experience of having a virtual assistant.

Let’s discuss WhatsApp chatbot mastery in business without further ado.

The AI Revolution in Messaging

Since its inception, AI has been described as a technology from a new civilization that will replace human jobs. However, with seamless integration, AI develops into a tool that helps humans through conversation. Although there was a lot of debate at the beginning of their appearance, Chatbots are now increasingly commonplace. 

With wide accessibility, chatbots become tools that are ready to provide any information and help humans all the time. So we cannot deny that AI turns into a reliable friend over time.

Chatbot with all its features and capabilities

As we know, chatbots are helpful digital friends. Imagine, with a virtual chatbot assistant when we are traveling, just by starting the message with certain words such as ‘nearest hotel,’ this tool will quickly respond to the form of a list of nearby hotels equipped with information on distance, price, and room type.

This can happen because of the magic of natural language processing in chatbots, which allows the chatbot to understand and reply to human language and writing. With NLP, chatbots will understand humans lexically, syntactically, and semantically. Through NLP, chatbots also can continue to develop and understand human language in various languages, styles, and tones.

However, chatbots are still machines with limitations. Their ability to answer questions will always depend on how the user asks questions.

Connecting the dot: combining Whatsapp and Chatbot AI

Chatbot capabilities and features are a promising potential. It is not surprising that its potential is developed by integrating it into WhatsApp. So, users can access the chatbot by sending messages to the specified number. This is what we then know as WhatsApp chatbot.

Businesses then develop this capability to strengthen their relationships with customers. With Whatsapp Chatbot, businesses can provide a sophisticated and satisfying renewable customer experience. Businesses can also be present to customers using the conversation-to-conversation method, giving the impression of a personal business relationship with their customers.

WhatsApp chatbots are also relatively easy to integrate with other tools, such as CRM tools and social media. Making WhatsApp chatbot as a powerful tool because:

  • Chatbot for Whatsapp able to maintain business relationships with its customers
  • Increase customer satisfaction due to wide accessibility
  • A multi-purpose tool that can support sales, marketing, and customer care activities

Utilizing WhatsApp chatbot for Business

Creating a WhatsApp chatbot for business has now become more straightforward. Companies no longer need to form a team to build a WhatsApp chatbot from scratch. Many business solution providers –like Kommo, Salesforce, Hubspot, or Manychat– offer easy integration between WhatsApp and chatbots. Apart from that, they also make it easy for businesses to process data centrally.

Kommo: CRM with messenger based

Kommo is a messaging-based CRM provider. With their tools, businesses can simplify workflows as well as sell more systematically because Kommo provides an organized and customizable pipeline view.

Apart from that, Kommo also offers several main features that make business operations more accessible, such as:

  1. CRM Pipeline: A display can be adjusted according to your needs, making it easier to monitor sales progress.
  2. Unified inbox: a message box that can include conversations from various platforms such as email, Facebook, or WhatsApp.
  3. Salesbot: A sophisticated bot that does not require code in the creation process.

Using Kommo as a solution to simplify the process is a step that needs to be taken. This proves that companies are quick to follow the current digital transformation.

How to build a Whatsapp Chatbot

There are two options for building a WhatsApp chatbot, namely, using the programming code method or without programming code. If you use a BSP like Kommo, businesses only need to access the chatbot builder and build their chatbot.

After that, businesses can take the following steps:

  1. Create a WhatsApp business API that will be used as a business profile.
  2. Integrate the existing chatbot with the WhatsApp Business API that you have obtained.
  3. Arrange a conversation flow for the Whatsapp chatbot. Make the flow natural in language that is easy for users to understand.

to make it all clear, you can follow the tutorial from this video below ⬇

How to build a chatbot in Kommo | Kommo Salesbot

How to build a chatbot in Kommo | Kommo Salesbot

Once everything is ready, check the WhatsApp chatbot regularly so there are no problems when using it. With the WhatsApp chatbot, you can collect consumer feedback as a form of your concern to continue providing valuable customer experiences.

Mastering WhatsApp chatbots for business is a surefire step to strengthening customer relationships. Not only that, this is also a form of company adjustment to the continuously developing digital transformation. What do you think? Do you still need to learn how to use WhatsApp chatbots?

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