What is kimik? Know How to Download it, How to Apply

what is kimik? kmimk is an additional loan app in Nigeria that offers instant loans. Their loan dispensation is easy you don’t need to go to any location before you will get their loan, with just your phone you are good to go. Also, you don’t need a backer or collateral.

Requirement to obtain loan from loan

Like another loan app out there earlier, you can obtain a loan from a loan app. There are requirements you need to meet, which are Having a smartphone through which to download the app.

Be a Nigeria and reside in Nigeria

How to find a Loan in Nigeria

  •  Launch it and register with your term, BVN, besides other details
  •  You will be asked to bind your ATM card, which might attract #30. Do so, then proceed
  • After the registration, you resolve to log in to your dashboard.
  • On your dash, locate and click on the loan.
  • There, you will see the sum of the loan you are eligible to obtain
  • Click it and pause for disbursement.

How much can you get from a loan app?

With the Loan app, you can find up to #100,000 without security or a guarantor.

As a first-timer, you will not be able to obtain up to this, but as you continue to take a loan besides payback, the amount of loan you can gain will increase.

loan interest rate, then repayment period loan interest rate is 5% to 10% depending on the loan amount obtained besides the repayment period. The repayment period is between 7 days to 3 months, depending on the loan amount obtained.

You can pay back your loan with an ATM card or contact them by asking for their account number. When paying back the account number, ensure you have the accurate one to avoid a story that touches you. Once you make a sum, it will reflect on your dashboard. If it does not, you should contact them.

What will occur if default?

If you default, you resolve to be punished by an increase in your interest rate; then, if you decide not to pay back at all, they might refer your name to the credit bureau for blocklisting, which earnings you will not be able to take a loan from anywhere in Nigeria till you settle your debt.

Believe me, it is a solider to resolve this; your best bet is to wage back your loan before it gets to this.

the loan is legit, they genuinely give out loans to people, but they are not approved or covered by CBN.

As you can see, the kink loan app springs out instant loans in Nigeria. I advise you to take a loan you know you cannot repay to circumvent had I known.

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